We are a co-operative providing affordable workshops and shared facilities for woodworkers.

On these pages learn more about our



the     Amenities and Benefits    we can offer to our members,


and the   Terms    which govern our shared occupancy of Chiselworks' premises.

engraving of a musical instrument maker's workshop

Chiselworks' unique services for woodworkers

Located in the heart of London's Oldest Borough, Chiselworks' five storey early 19th century former wharf provides an excellent building to house individual and shared workshops and spaces. These are provided by a co-operatively run organisation - Chiselworks - for the benefit of woodworkers, turners, restorers and allied traides.  Accommodation is affordable and let on favourable terms to both established and start-up businesses.  It includes shared facilities, such as a fully kitted out machine shop, kitchen, and a gallery to come.

Chiselworks Woodworker Co-operative is located at 110 Woodpecker Street, The Oldest London Borough, London SE16.  We are registered with [the appropriate registrar] and limited by guarantee.

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Images on this site, if not otherwise stated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.