We are a co-operative providing affordable workshops and shared facilities for woodworkers.

Browse these pages to find out what our members are up to, and if you like what you see get in touch with them, perhaps to commission


 a lute or vihuela         a tree house for your children    

that special chair for your new home,    get advice on your antique clock case,

[and so on - each item should link through to a member's page.]





Group photo

This shows some of the current members - picture taken in August 2013.

Rough pencil sketch of twelve persons

Current Members

The Co-operative usually has twelve to 20 members who are occupying 18 work spaces and workshops.  Members may work on their own or in partnership.  Members' skills range from designing and creating large pieces of work like carpentry or props, to intricate carvings, guilding, and making musical instruments.  This range of skills benefits all, as members are able to draw on their peers for specialist skills. They speak for themselves through our members' pages.

Chiselworks Woodworker Co-operative is located at 110 Woodpecker Street, The Oldest London Borough, London SE16.  We are registered with [the appropriate registrar] and limited by guarantee.

Creative Commons Licence
Images on this site, if not otherwise stated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.