We are a co-operative providing affordable workshops and shared facilities for woodworkers.

The overall project

04/07/2013 22:34

This is the first website I have constructed.  I did not really know what to expect.  The module and associated readings appeared to make sense, until I embarked on the practical work.  Challenges arose from two main areas:

1    The website represents a fictional organisation, but should be 'authoritative'.

2       It was necessary to make compromises due to Webnode software's many pre-set features. These could not easily (and sometimes not at all) be adapted to the design I had planned, and to meet accessibility standards. 

Furthermore, building a website for an organisation should ideally be a work of a site development team, and involve sponsors, designers, webmaster, information architect, copywriters etc.  Though this project is quite small, I missed the opportunity to discuss my work and progress with others.  To some extent this is the same for all my assignments and part of being a distance learner.  Because it is my first website, and because so much design work is required, I may have missed those critical discussions more than usual.